5 Ways to Provide Better Customer Service in eCommerce

Online shopping doesn’t imply any personal interactions between customers and salespersons but still, customers sometimes may go frustrated if they face issues with the website when trying to place an order or understand conditions.

When it comes to customer services many online businesses fail: unclear policies, delayed responses or no contact information at all. The best way to ensure that your customers stay loyal and come back is to make them feel cared on every step of their shopping experience.

There are some ways to make customer service of your online store better:

Clear Return Policy

Clearly explain whether you provide a full refund, partial refund, or offer something else. You should also clarify how long the return period and guarantee last. Offering free returns which can be easily done influences more than 50% of online purchases.

Live Chat

Live-chat is the easiest way to answer questions and concerns instantly. Rather than waiting for an email response, customers can receive assistance right away, which means they are less likely to leave your website without completing the purchase.


If your customers leave the same queries / ask similar questions day after day, putting them in one document and publish will definitely save your time. Additionally, having a comprehensive FAQ will help with customers who rather read that interact with the support team.

Sizing Info

Listing size charts on product pages are helpful, but you can also provide a centralized page where a customer can find sizes for multiple products and brands in your store will speed up the shopping process .

Feedback Option

Customers are not likely to leave a review, especially a positive one if you don’t ask for that. Sending out an after-purchase email asking customers to rate their experience or to write a short review increases the possibility they will leave feedback. Make sure you include their comments on the site or social media.

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