Why nopCommerce Days 2018 worth visiting?

TMotions is participating in the annual nopCommerce conference –  nopCommerce Days 2018, which will be held in Las Vegas on 8th and 9th  November, 2018. TMotions is one of the Bronze sponsors in this conference and our CEO, Aman Sood is on the speakers panel.

Being the nopCommerce Gold partner and sharing open source values, we are thrilled to engage in community gatherings. NopCommerce conferences’ dates are always marked in our calendar and it’s absolutely must-do thing for every year.

As this the third successive year that we are participating in these conferences (after Amsterdam and New York), it gives us a unique opportunity to see the platform and community growing by leaps.  We have noticed the significant increase in nopCommerce enrolment, the geography spread of the conference participants is expanding year on year. That makes us convinced that we have chosen the right partner.

Let us share our thoughts on why nopCommerce Days is worth visiting, which might inspire you to register for and attend this event.


The lineup of speakers is exciting. They come from different geographies and a variety of valuable experience in the industry. You will hear from techies, business owners, solution providers and subject matter experts. We have been contributing to this knowledge through our speeches for the last two years. We talked about the future of e-commerce in the last conference in New York and presented B2B case studies in Amsterdam, the year before. This time our CEO, Aman Sood will speak on the Unified Commerce – the new way of doing eCommerce business, which translates to the harmonious integration of retail processes/systems and providing full transparency and seamless customer experiences. No matter how are you making money with nopCommerce, providing customization services or selling plugins, the conference is the perfect place to come forward and speak up or just listen.

First-hand roadmap

You might have browsed through the roadmap page on nopCommerce website, yet some questions might be left open. You will learn about the future plans of the platform makers, partners and even your competitors, at first hands. The most pressing issues are always at nopCommerce Days’ agenda. So you will be the first to know about the upcoming changes.


We believe in business based on trust and ethics. Establishing long-term relationships can’t be imagined without personal interactions. That’s why for us it’s so important to come and meet you, meet the people, shake hands and exchange business cards. The networking is definitely the most powerful thing about the event. At the conference, you can easily find a partner, supplier and a client for sure.

Can’t wait to see you there. Here is a quick link to see details and register: nopCommerce Days 2018!

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